Colourful playground equipment


Playgrounds are essential for children’s physical, cognitive, and social development. The right mix of playground equipment can transform an ordinary space into a haven of adventure and learning. But with a plethora of options available, selecting the best items for a playground can be challenging. In this guide, we will explore the top 5 pieces of playground equipment that are must-haves for creating a fun, engaging, and well-rounded play space.

  1. Playground Swings

playground swingsSwings are a timeless favourite on every playground, and they come in various forms, including traditional playground swings, group swings, and nursery swings. Here’s why swings are a playground staple:

  • Physical Development: Swinging helps children develop their balance, coordination, and core strength. It also stimulates the vestibular system, contributing to spatial awareness.
  • Social Interaction: Swings are often enjoyed in groups, promoting cooperation, turn-taking, and social connections among children.
  • Inclusive Play: With options like accessible swings, children of all abilities can enjoy this classic play equipment.
  1. Playground Slides

playground slidesSlides are not only thrilling but also foster various skills and experiences. They come in different sizes and styles, including straight, spiral, and tube slides. Here’s why slides are essential:

  • Motor Skills: Climbing up the ladder or stairs to reach the slide and then navigating the descent help children develop their gross motor skills and balance.
  • Risk Assessment: Slides offer a safe environment for children to learn risk assessment and self-regulation as they decide when to go down and how fast.
  • Creativity: Slides can be integrated into imaginative play scenarios, from pretending they’re escaping a dragon’s lair to simply enjoying the thrill of sliding.
  1. Climbing Frames

climbing framesClimbing structures, such as clamber stacks and climbing walls, are fantastic for physical and cognitive development. They offer numerous benefits:

  • Muscle Strength: Climbing promotes muscle strength and coordination, challenging various muscle groups.
  • Problem Solving: Children need to plan their route and solve problems to reach the top. This enhances cognitive skills.
  • Confidence: Conquering a climbing structure can boost a child’s confidence and sense of achievement.
  1. Spinning Equipment

playground roundaboutsSpinners come in various forms, from traditional roundabouts to standalone spinners. They’re a playground favourite for several reasons:

  • Sensory Stimulation: Spinning stimulates the vestibular system, contributing to balance, coordination, and sensory integration.
  • Group Play: Spinners encourage cooperative play as multiple children can enjoy the experience together.
  • Fun and Thrills: They offer an exciting ride that children find exhilarating.
  1. Sand and Water Play

playground sandpitsSand and water play areas are often underestimated but provide a wealth of benefits:

  • Sensory Play: Manipulating sand and water stimulates the senses and encourages exploration and creativity.
  • STEM Learning: Children can learn about concepts like volume, displacement, and gravity through hands-on experiments with water and sand.
  • Imaginative Play: Sandboxes and water tables can become miniature worlds where children create scenarios, build structures, and engage in role-playing.

Bonus: Shade Structures

While not a traditional piece of playground equipment, shade structures are invaluable additions to any playground. They provide protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays, keeping children safe during playtime. Shade structures can be integrated with seating areas, making the playground more comfortable for caregivers and children.

On a Budget

Drapers Field Bespoke Playground EquipmentThrough our years of designing the ultimate playgrounds we have observed some surprising favourite activities which can be provided on a shoestring.

Mounds and embankments are an absolute child favourite. The simple act of running, rolling, sliding down a slope very often gives a great deal of joy and happiness. We always try and introduce topography into our playground designs for this very reason. They can be created by using otherwise waste materials from excavations of other playground equipment. This also reduces waste from the site.

Tree stumps and logs can often be acquired from local tree surgeons and great natural play item. Balancing, climbing and social play can all be performed on stepping stump and logs. If possible, ask for native hardwoods. Sweet chestnut is the best timber in the UK as it is very durable in ground contact. Other species can rot quite quickly so if you want it to last beyond 3 years, go with sweet chestnut.

Repurposed playground equipment is often a simple we to improve an existing playground. A lick of paint and some new surfacing can go a long way. This is the also the most environmentally way of updating a playground.


A well-rounded playground should feature a combination of equipment that promotes physical development, cognitive skills, social interaction, and creative play. The top 5 items mentioned—swings, slides, climbing structures, spinning equipment, and sand and water play—offer a comprehensive play experience that caters to various age groups and interests. When designing or updating a playground, consider these essentials to create a space where children can grow, learn, and have a blast. By offering diverse play opportunities, you ensure that your playground becomes a cherished and essential asset in your community. Check out this this other blog for some more great ideas